Guides & Tutorials: A Collection
Home » Guides & Tutorials – A Collection of Street Fighter Learning Resources

- 5 min read
Ultimately, it’s up to us to make the best use of the resources we have to improve our fighting game potential. Make reviewing old and new resources part of your training loop.
Brand new to Street Fighter? Start here and then view the fundamentals here.

Recommended Reading
Fighting Game Primer – Masher to Master by Patrick Miller (eBook – FREE) – A masterpiece and classic in the realm of learning fighting games. Although this free PDF itself is dated, the information holds true and presents fundamentals in a clear, concise way. Mandatory reading for anyone looking to improve at Street Fighter.
Simplifying Street Fighter by gootecks (eBook) – Directly breaks down the fundamentals of Street Fighter (specifically written going into Street Fighter V). Provides a direct routine to get started learning Street Fighter while breaking down common situations you’ll find in every Street Fighter match.
Fighting Game Fundamentals by gootecks (eBook) – The sequel to Simplifying Street Fighter. This book goes deeper into creating actionable steps and game plans to learn and improve at Street Fighter. Again, focused on Street Fighter V and earlier games in the series.
Game Fu: Way of the Digital Fist by Perfect Legend (eBook) – A no-fluff guide to being a competitive fighting game player with focal points on mindset, training, and theory. Each section highlights specific situations you’ll encounter in a fighting game or as a player. All detailed by a four-time fighting game world champion.
Notable Mentions (have not personally read yet):
- The Will to Keep Winning by Daigo Umehara
- Playing to Win: Becoming the Champion by David Sirlin
Guides & Videos
Videos, Posts, and Threads to maximize your Street Fighter improvement journey.
Guides, videos, and threads will be continuously updated with the most relevant source of information.
- Unlock Your Potential in Training Mode: Part 1 of 4 – The Beginner’s Practice Plan (Fight Rise Post)
- Street Fighter 6 Information Overload! New Characters, Mechanics, Gameplay & more! (Video • by Rooflemonger • Posted: 6.2.22)
- Street Fighter 6 Mechanics, Attack Interactions, & Damage Scaling (Thread / PasteBin • by Juicebox)
- SF6 Beta Observations (4 Part Series) Mechanics & Design (Video • by Bafael)
Character Select
As we get closer to the launch of Street Fighter 6 this character index will continue to evolve. Included will be character specific guides, combos, matches, Discords, and more. For now, each is linked to their official home from the Street Fighter 6 Characters page.

Breakdown, Gear, Guides, and More
FightRise is continually building and the site will continue to evolve with guides, resources, gear reviews, and more.
Right now, we’re a work-in-progress with more to come as soon as possible…
As more content is added, this section will be refreshed!