One of the questions we get a lot is… “Are these One Fight Stands good for me to join?” The answer is an easy “YES!” Our One Fight Stand events are bi-weekly round robins that have been responsible for helping take some of our community members from the Rookie ranks all the way to Master.
That’s why celebrating 21 One Fight Stand events so far is such a fantastic milestone. And the FightRise Community has been fortunate to celebrate so many milestones in the less than a year that Street Fighter 6 has been released.
So, of course, this twenty first One Fight Stand event was a fantastic one with just about 40 in attendance on a Tuesday night! Not bad…
In this post I want to do a few things: 1) acknowledge our winners, 2) mention briefly another exciting milestone, and 3) break down the round robins themselves.
If you’re a regular at One Fight Stand, this may be a fantastic post to share with those who want to know more about what they’re getting into! And take a look at all you fantastic regulars here posing like the fantastic peoples you are in front of Rathian:

What’s a Round Robin Anyways?
One of the best parts of our OFS events is the round robin format. We use this every time except for our intermittent special events that throw out all the rules to mix things up.
In a Round Robin every player gets a chance to play against every other participant in their pool. The advantage of the Round Robin format is you get A LOT of matches against a variety of characters in a short amount of time.
PLUS, we break everyone up based on their skill level or rank. That way your matches are more in line with your current skill level in Street Fighter 6.
Beginner? No problem. Master rank? We got plenty of competition for you.
Also, either way, if you keep in mind that this is all practice against real opponents who are also willing to help you for the long run, you’re going to have a great time and learn a lot.
We separate everyone out into pools with similarly skilled players. This ensures a smooth, fun, and efficient night of sets.
PLUS, when we’re done with the Round Robin, we gather the top winners of the pools and put them on two different teams so the rest of us can watch them battle it out in a team vs. team format. This is always hype!
How Does One Fight Stand Work?
Getting involved in our One Fight Stand events (or even to run matches with friendly, helpful people) is pretty simple and straightforward.
First, you have to join our Discord as we use TourneyBot to register all fighters and keep things running smooth. Join the Discord here:
Once in our Discord, you’ll visit the #fight-nights channel and click the “Register” button for the next event.
On the night of the event, you’ll receive a notification that “Check-In’s” are now open and we ask everyone to hit the “CONFIRM” button for their check-in at least 30 to 45 minutes before the round robin starts.
This gives us ample time to make sure we know who will be where for sure and see if we need to make any last minute adjustments.
After that, TourneyBot will guide you to do the rest, all of us FightRisers meet up in a BattleHub at 8pmEST on the given night to play some casuals and wait for the Round Robin to officially start at 9pmEST. Make sure you’re in the Main Lobby Voice Chat (even if you’re only listening in) as that’s where any announcements or instructions are given.
When the Round Robin starts TourneyBot will ping you in an individual thread for each of your matches. Meet up with your opponent in the battle hub, play your set, and then report the scores. Rinse and repeat.
It’s really that easy to join and get started. We have plenty of people who join us who have never even used Discord before, but they figure it all out with the greatest of ease.
It helps that we have such a welcome community and dedicated Tournament Organizers for every pool.

A Brief Announcement with More to Come!
During One Fight Stand 21 we actually made a very cool announcement. Here I’ll keep it brief with more to come in another post to celebrate yet another huge milestone for our FightRise Community.
At the event we announced FightRise is sponsoring its first ever fighter… Lazyboredom and we’re sending him to CEO 2024 to compete and live out his dream.
What’s his dream? He wants to live the experience of a Top 8 Walk-Out at CEO. We believe in him and look forward to rallying behind him as a community as we lead up to the event.
More to come on this soon including prizes for those who want to help contribute!

Let’s Celebrate Our One Fight Stand 21 Winners
Before we wrap up this post I do want to make special mention of our World Warrior Medal recipients at this past One Fight Stand.
We just release a sneak preview of some of the prizes our One Fight Stand regulars can look forward to.
Across the individual pools our winners and World Warrior medalists were: Lazyboredom, Jockay, SuperJarden, FroggDawg93, JTZ, Flash Galatine, and doublesac.
Congratulations to each of you! Our Leaderboard for all of our One Fight Stands is looking amazing! Too bad it only shows some of the many many faces we’ve had so far across 21 of these events.
We’ll officially be wrapping up our first Leader Board with the close of Season 1 and the upcoming release of Akuma to Street Fighter 6. Which as you may already know is happening May 22nd!
Thank you everyone and, again, thank you to all our FightRisers who not only make every event super special, but also just being part of such a fantastic community.
See you in the Discord! 👊💥